
This website is a living extension of the inter-institutional transfer collaborations documented in Transfer in an Urban Writing Ecology: Reimagining Community College/University Relations in Composition Studies, published by CCCC’s Studies in Writing and Rhetoric series [LINK] in 2022. We will continue to publish student projects, course materials, and mini-essays authored by students, faculty, and staff on the site as our collaborations continue to grow and change.

Other Project Publications:

Toth, Christie, Stephen Ruffus, Scott Black, and Scott Jarvis. “It’s Not Just the English Department: Reimagining Relations between Two-Year/Four-Year Institutions across English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies.” ADE Bulletin 158 (pp. 23-42). October 2020.

Toth, Christie, Patrick Sullivan, and Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt. “Two-Year College Teacher-Scholar-Activism: Reconstructing the Disciplinary Matrix of Writing Studies.” College Composition and Communication 71.1 (pp. 86-116). September 2019.

Toth, Christie. “Not Quite a Love-Letter-Manifesto.” Invited contribution to Inventing the Discipline: Student Writing in Composition Studies, edited by Peter Moe and Stacey Waite. Parlor Press, 2022.

Toth, Christie, Clint Gardner, Cristina Guerrero Perez, Kate Henderson, Jose Loeri, Joseph Moss, Jacque Thetsombandith, and Adilene Tolentino. “Bridging Literacies: First-Gen Transfer Students in a Writing Studies Major.” Beyond Fitting In: Rethinking First-Gen Writing and Literacy Education, edited by Kelly Ritter. Modern Language Association Press, 2022.